Didn’t you get a job? That’s good!

When looking for a job, you send several or a dozen applications. You are given test assignments, and finally a job interview arrives. Unfortunately, some time after it you hear “Sorry, we chose someone else” . If you heard “no” at least once from a potential employer, you must have felt bad. But keep your head up, it’s not the end of the world! We will advise you on how to deal with such a failure.
Rejecting your application for a job may be a step to success. It all depends on your attitude! So remember:
Don’t take your app rejection personally
Even if you feel bad about it, remember that it is temporary. Reformat it in your head. Consider why the company did not accept your candidacy. Maybe they are looking for someone with more experience? It certainly doesn’t matter what kind of person you are – so don’t blame yourself (unless you’ve made some obvious blunder – then think about how to do better at your next interview). There are many reasons why you may not get your dream job, so try to keep a positive mental outlook.
Analyze your job interviews
Remember the job interview that resulted in employment. How do you remember her? And this last conversation? How did they differ? Reflection will help you deepen your knowledge about yourself. Don’t be impulsive, don’t send another CV right away. Look closely, think about whether any questions in the interview have embarrassed you and why. Maybe you were not prepared for some of them? Have you shown your strengths? If you find any shortcomings, it will be easier for you to fix them. Prepare answers to questions that may be asked the next time, connect your values and experiences with the mission and values of the organization, and never miss an opportunity to ask meaningful questions.

Ask for feedback
If you get a negative answer after the interview, ask about its reasons. You can do it during a phone call or by replying to an e-mail rejecting the offer. Good recruitment agencies and companies that respect their candidates always give reasons for refusing employment. If you didn’t get it right away, it could also be good news – this company may not treat people professionally. Will you find another job ????
Change your approach
If you are not receiving job offers despite sending your CV, check that your skills and experience are relevant to the positions you are applying for. Take the time to adjust your skills and experience to the roles that interest you. The next step should be to adapt your CV to the offer. This is important especially when you change jobs or return to work after a long break. Think strategically and work on the presentation of your offer as a candidate in the labor market and make it as attractive as possible.
Remember – winners keep trying
Everyone faces difficulties on the way to a career. The main thing is to learn the right lessons from them and keep going. Yes, you must have heard it before, but we assure you – it’s true! Don’t consider rejecting your job application as a lifetime failure – there are many employers and interesting roles to take. Distance, focus on the target and a smile on your face will help you to become mentally resistant to stumbling. If you still don’t find a job after six months, get help. Apply to good recruitment agencies, look for professional help in preparing your CV, look around for courses that can help you.