Rejection? It’s the first step to success!

Losing your job is always a hard experience that evokes strong negative emotions. In the current situation, unfortunately, this happens much more often and hopefully both the pandemic and the economic crisis will pass quickly.
The feeling of loss, disbelief, anger, high levels of stress, and even depression are unfortunately the real consequences of losing employment, which must then be dealt with. If there is nothing we can do about the dismissal, the most important thing is to act and use the situation in a valuable way.
Even with our initial feelings of dread and hopelessness, we can benefit from what happened in the future, if we do not get caught up in a spiral of negative thoughts about ourselves. So if you heard from your boss that he is forced to end your cooperation – keep class, give yourself time to control your emotions, do not act hot and when you are ready – start searching. What in particular should you focus
Plan B
The first piece of advice is prevention rather than after the fact, but it may prove to be a valuable guide for the future. If you have the opportunity to do so, and you read the signals of potential slackness ahead of time, you can take precautions to avoid being left on the ice later. Simply put: start looking for a job while you still have one . Just researching the market will make you feel more confident and you will have an idea of what are the current job offers in your city. If you lack the competence for your dream position, you can spend some time training and honing the desired skills while working in your current company. Such activities will prepare you for a possible job loss and will reduce the stress associated with this situation, because you will already have an emergency plan ready.
Verify your own beliefs about yourself
The standard response to losing your job is negative thoughts about yourself and a decrease in your self-esteem, especially if your self-esteem depends largely on your success in the professional field and, in general, on external reinforcements. However, instead of delving into the guilt and belief that you are an incompetent worker, try to coldly analyze what just happened. Pay attention to your way of explaining failures and consider whether the loss of a position was really up to you or whether it was caused by factors beyond your control, such as budget cuts. What was the real reason? Your way of attributing, that is, inferring about the source of your successes and failures, is crucial to regaining motivation and willingness to act. In addition, if you feel bad at the moment, also remember your past achievements and remember that one situation determines your value, neither in the labor market nor as a human being.
Tune in to new possibilities
Instead of ruminating and despairing after losing your job, orient your thinking in a more constructive way and try to see the situation more positively. Thanks to this, your body will not trigger such a strong stress response, and stress hormones will not take over you. In fact, losing your job can be treated in two ways: as your life’s failure or as an incredibly good opportunity to change. In all likelihood, you already had some ideas about what you might be doing if you weren’t working at your previous company. In everyday life, such thoughts are drowned out by a quite natural fear of the unknown, but now is the perfect time to let them out. This is a good time to set yourself new career goals, get ready to start your search and think about what you expect from your new, dream job offer. If you only approach the topic with a clear mind, full of creativity and inspiration, you have a good chance to make the loss of your previous job a good thing.
Keep your heads up and good luck!